Engineering, Pharmacy & Management Courses
Jharkhand School of Business Management & Science JSBMS which is Government approved trust. JSBMS has state-of-the-art talent development skills community and it possess the best Collection of highly qualified, skilled and innovative Subject Matter Experts SME having years of experience in their arena.
It is generally established with prime vision and objective to promote and developed the Minority Community, SC and ST as number of students of these Community are unable to get education due to their financial constraints and being placed in the remote areas.
Our vision shows what we are striving for – the mission how we want to achieve this goal. Guiding principles describe and shape our corporate strategy.
A commitment to human rights, among them freedom of inquiry, opinion, and speech; A commitment to educational opportunity for all people regardless of gender
Setting clear goals, consistency, and persistence, and having a positive mindset are three key elements that can help you succeed in any area of your life.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia,